
About Me

About me? Well first of all, it’s not! It’s not about ME at all! This blog, this life, these posts, etc are all about HIM!

I want to explore and talk through the Bible with YOU so that together we can bring glory to God. Let’s discuss the daily struggles of trying to live a Christian life here on Earth- juggling a job, managing the household, raising kids, all while drinking water and staying sane!! It’s just too much to do alone, so let’s learn from each other and do it together, as Christian women searching to follow our perfect Savior’s will!! 

But back to the original question- about me? My name is Shelley. I am a mediocre mom to three awesome kiddos, I am an imperfect wife to a wonderful husband, I am a struggling member in an amazing church, and I am the daughter of a perfect King, our lord and savior Jesus Christ. Personally, I’m kind of a mess. I grew up in a Christian home, I went to a Christian college, where I majored in accounting and met my now hubby- but I still occasionally cuss, I still drink a glass of wine (or 2), and I still struggle with anger, grumbling, and materialistic tendencies. Sometimes I take on too much and get bogged down in daily life, forgetting the correct alignment of my priorities, but THANKFULLY despite my imperfections, I know that my Heavenly Father loves me- how amazing is that?! 

I started this blog after a New Years resolution to read the Bible cover to cover- well, I did it, eventually! It took 3 years and after every section, I would think wow there was so much more content to dig into! So here we are- I want to do just that!! I want to dig into that content WITH YOU! and along the way, we’ll also explore and share together in the daily struggle of normal life. So let’s read together, let’s pray together, and let’s grow together for the glory of our God! 
